Monday, November 21, 2011

Sony Tv's new show: brings out somewhat an interesting start?

Well when you think you have seen it all, and you can guess about any show and its plot, still sometimes something might just throw you a bit of....

So today Sony Tv started with two new of them is 'Dekha Ek Khawaab'. The promos show that the story is about a young lower class girl, Muniya, who loves to dreams, big or small don’t matter for her. But one dream she holds is to be a princess, and what would happen if this dream were to actually come true. That is what this show is about.

Now I was expecting things like a long lost grandchild of a royal family, loads of unsatisfied demands, and Muniya's restlessness with her current social status. 

What I found in the first episode did surprise me a bit. The girl Muniya is introduced on the show, with the dream of becoming a cleaner in a mall. Muniya is showing pleading her father to give her a chance to fulfill her dreams of working in a mall and that too as a cleaner. Now that is too much of an aspiration, I shall say.

By the last line I mean that the shows have an aspiration value to them always. It is always about an underdog rising in social and economic status. Pick any show that is what is common. A girl from a middle class family becomes bahu of a rich business family, a village girl aspires to study and become an officer, a girl from slums wishes to rise and become a boxer. Everything is about aspirations, as shows with aspirations have a bigger audience connect. The TV viewers, no matter what class they belong from, always have aspirations to rise above their own current standing; and that is the demand that the content creators are catering too.

But here is a show, which starts with a girl aspiring to be a cleaner in the mall. She is shown so happy wearing a cleaner's uniform, posing happily with the broom, and commenting on how she will make even a cleaner's job something that every girl will seek, once they see her (actual lines from the show, believe me).

Yes I am sure all that will change soon. As in the next day episode teaser, the girl is shown praying to become a princess and to be treated like royalty.
But still I found this particular introduction to the character quite interesting. It was a relief from my pre-conceived notions of what to expect from such a show after watching its promos; even though I know this relief will not last beyond the first week.

But till the time the plot goes back to cliches, I'm gonna surely see how long this girl's dream of aspiring to be a 'cleaner' in a mall will last. Hopefully praying for a change that aspirations are not always about going from slum to a palace.....

Here is a bit on the show that I found on a facebook page of the show. Now well I'm sure why my fear of cliches never leaves:

“Monia, a young girl lives in a chawl and like every other girl of her age a dream transports her into a fantasy world. However, one in a billion dreams does come true and Monia is the chosen one! But, what happens when dreams come true overnight? They bring with them a set of challenges, complexities and difficult decisions. Monia’s dream of turning into a princess has come true but like everything else it comes with a price. Fate listens to her and in an incredible twist of destiny, Monia suddenly finds herself to be the long lost daughter from the royal family of Devgarh. Thus begins the extraordinary journey of Monia as Princess which takes her to a dreamland.

Produced by Rose Movies, Dekha Ek Khwab promises to bring back the romance in storytelling with lavishly mounted sets, a powerful ensemble cast and an interesting storyline set against the backdrop of Indian Royalty.”

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